The Youth Violence Prevention Partnership (YVPP) is a multi-sector collaborative partnership to support the public health approach to youth violence reduction in St. Louis.
Youth Violence Prevention Partnership
YVPP was awarded a Safe & Thriving Communities grant. They have released their 2018-2023 Strategic Plan and their logic model, which is shown below.
As part of the grant, YVPP also worked with Think Health St. Louis to develop a Community Safety Dashboard. The Safety Dashboard is a tool to support more informed decisions regarding the safety and well-being of St. Louisans, especially youth. It takes a holistic view of the community, including crime statistics along with data on community conditions and social determinants that relate to violence. It is YVPP's hope that this dashboard leads to:
More coordinated violence prevention efforts
Data-driven and strategic decisions around violence prevention
Conversations around safety and violence that acknowledge structural and community conditions
The ultimate goal: safer communities
STL Crime App
Visit this interactive dashboard developed by Branson Fox (Institute for Public Health) to explore the geographic distribution of different types of crime in the city of St. Louis and generate hypotheses for testing with the goal of better informing violence prevention efforts.

Youth Empowerment Summit 2019
The inaugural Youth Empowerment Summit was held on Saturday, August 24, 2019. YVPP supported this event and is proud to share the report and video from the Summit.